NG1 (Doodle) & NG2 (Nugget) have been spending time over at Casa Wichi on the weekends. Keeps Dudette and I occupied as you might guess. Even though having two munchkins around can drive you nervous, there are a lot of cute times.
As it's been on radio, television, the web, networks, and all other forms of electronic media, if you missed it, I want to know what sized rock you live under and the names of the other trolls you share the bridge with.
But in case you did miss it, it was announced recently, that "stuff posted on the inter-webs" has no expectation of privacy.
CK was over with the kids (NG1 & NG2) the other day. NG2 is kind of a giggle-box, despite his short age, and CK was getting him to LAUGH like nobodies business. She would squish his cheeks and he would laugh like crazy. I tried, unsuccessfully, to get a picture of him in full laugh (cell phone takes fair pics and is a lot handier than the also has a slight delay from the time you hit the button till it decides to take the pic so getting "the shot" isn't easy).
Shortly after the arrival of NG2, the younger clan was over at the house for a visit. After an exhausting and (late) rowdy fun time, NG1 sat with me on the recliner. He already had his bath and decided he wanted to park with me for his bed-time snack. Enjoying the snack didn't last long.
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