I intended posting this last week the other day, but got distracted. Now that I'm here, I have more to add to it.
Anyone who knows me, knows I have a pet peeve about cell phone use while driving. Don't really care if it's talking, texting, looking at directions,...don't care. Pull over, or put the phone down. Simple.
I was headed home and as I made the turn by the house, I passed a guy on a BIKE with a flip phone glued to his ear. Not really glued, though that might have made me a little less flipped out. Newp, he was holding it. One hand on the throttle, and one to his ear. Really safe driver, that one.
There were a handful of other offenses he was committing as well, but the phone about did me in.
Then today, (as kind of a reminder to post this), on the radio, one of the guests was talking about being passed on the way to the studio by a guy on a bike. On the highway. TEXTING!
The host was chuckling and asked if he was serious. The guest replied, "Yeah. Dude passed him at over 70. Had his phone out, at arms length so he could see and was working his thumb over the keypad."
I thought it was a set up for a joke, as did the host, but it wasn't. He was serious. I just shook my head.
Sad thing is, eyewitness accounts of the impending wrecks, and these guys obits, will probably get tweeted quicker then the news services can cover them.
Darwinism happens.