Seems they were taking an interest in our "future needs", and the probable increase in costs for them to "help us". And they offered a couple scenarios to push the point.
They pointed out there were three ways to avoid the rising cost thing:
1. Become immortal
2. Become dead
3. Plan NOW (as in, BUY NOW).
Gotta admit, it's catchy. And they even include a "ps" "OOPS" line, in case their letter came too late to be of service. How classy.
From history, we know you might dodge taxes (more or less). But as far as life goes, it's a fact; no one gets out alive (so far). And, history also shows that doing one, often precipitates the other. You do the math.
Now, for those of "a certain age", this frighteningly actually makes some sense. Not making a public announcement here, just pointing out it does make one wonder. But I for one, am not putting my money on there being a breakthrough on a vaccine for immortality any time soon. Nor is the thought of the alternative very striking.
Why couldn't it be a message for paying your taxes NOW, and never having to worry about them matter how much you earn from then on. Locks them in with an early payment so you are done with them, and never have to be bothered again. THAT, would be WAY cooler.
Don't you hate it when a lousy piece of paper makes you stop and ponder? Yeah, me too.
Pondering happens.
Some businesses shouldn't advertise! So far I haven't had this type of mail and hope I won't either! How about adding a #4 to their list - live long, prosper and ignore the ad?
Posted by: martie | August 14, 2010 at 10:02 PM