(and if you don't get the unintended pun, you will by the end)
Vajazzling is one of the latest trends being done by boutiques. it involves a full Brazilian waxing, followed with the application of rhinestones and other appliques to the newly deforested area (I am sure it isn't restricted to any one gender...though the name tends to be aimed towards the women...and no, I am not going to find out). The primary focus is to provoke an "OH, WOW!" response from the intended partner further into an intimate date.
The goodies are arranged and glued on in whatever words, phrases, and/or designs a person can think of. And the art work is not limited to areas below the belt, they can progress as far North as needed (though South, is a bit more restricted....and if I have to explain that one to you, hit the back button and read someone else).
*Update*: A related article also mentions "starting, or finishing" up "North", in some cases, with "unrelated or attached, complimentory appliques". (If I gotta explain THIS one, e-mail me. KK? K.)
There were a couple cosmetology technicians on a talk show explaining the process and giving a demonstration. They explained they were using eyelash glue for this particular demo, and the appliques would remain on for about 4 - 5 days under normal conditions and bathing, less time if wearing tight clothing, or rough handling. Go figure!
The question was asked, and I loved the response: "How does one explain to their date what's waiting for them?"
"They don't. It's all for the "TA-DA!" moment."
Gotta love that line of thinking. Especially for an intimate moment.
"TA-DA" happens.
TA-DA! No, really. I think this trend is one I will pass on. Although it is interesting!!
Posted by: martie | March 07, 2010 at 04:43 PM