I told a friend I didn't think I was going to post about this past weekend's Music Theatre. Apparently, I was wrong.
Cop Car, HH, Dudette and I, saw "Kiss Me Kate". Though we haven't talked to CC or HH about the performance, we have our opinions on the show.
The cast, we felt, did a fine job. The show itself, lacked something though. It did have its moments, the "side action" (side skits related, but usually separate to, the main body of the show) sections that allowed main performers to deal with set and costume changes, were VERY good, and enjoyable. Especially two characters who played "Gangster types", complete with tailored, pinstipe suits, and bad grammar, who were thrust into playing parts in the Shakespearian play-within-the-play.
And since they were supposed to be "Gangsters" and not thespians, they behaved as awkward, clumsy, and clueless as one would expect. They were SO out of place, like a pink elephant at a somber affair, and yet had some of the best antics. And they did a short bit of song and dance, with some tapping thrown in, during one of the "side action" bits. They were so hard to ignore, so good at their roles, and so funny, they almost stole the show. (they did get some of the biggest applause at the end...and well deserved)
The main show however, just seemed to drag.
It wasn't BAD, mind you. But it had very little to offer in the "I'd pay to see that one again" category.
And trust me, we've seen a few that made us ask on the way out, "What the hell was that about?" This one was NOT that bad, just not a real toe-tap-er.
We bumped into some people we know at the show, and had a chance to get their take on things a few days later. And that lead to a "blank stare" moment.
Dudette: So. What did you think of the show?
L: *response similar to ours*
D: And "A"? Did he like it?
L: He said it was fine but there was too much singing in it.
D & WD: *?* (blankstare time)
Alright then. Apparently someone should have told "A" this was a musical.
Singing happens.