Since getting the new phone, Dudette has been having a ball finding out all kinds of new stuff (to us that is).
Just today, she turned me on to...
Eye-Tunes. Yes, I know..."BIG WHOOP!!"
Well, I've never paid any attention to it before. Used Quirk-Time forever for videos and stuff, but ignored the Tunes side. I thought it was a "pay to use and play" thing.
She had it going on her computer and having a great time. All I could hear was some really good music. To my amazement, she was listening to streaming radio stations on it. (the Tunes...not just the computer)
Anyway, I noticed there is a Pink Floydd only station on there. Well-l-l-l-l-l guess what I had to have? She loaded the stuff I needed and I have been enjoying myself for a while now listening to stuff you never hear on a regular radio station.
New toys, new joys. (stop it...I know what you're thinking....keep it clean here.)
Music happens.
Better watch ou or the next thing you guys will be getting is an eye-pod so you can take the music with you.
By the way, before you go there, there are also brands. WS has the one from the fruit company and mine is from the company that apparently was started by a walking man - mine has radio too.
Posted by: bogie | May 03, 2009 at 05:01 AM
LOL i love my tunes and pod. They are something I can't live without!!!
PS. Have you met yet? You can type in the name of a song or a particular artist and it streams other music that is similar that you may love, plus you can rate each one thumbs up or down so it really learns your musical tastes.
Posted by: heathen | May 05, 2009 at 02:44 PM
I don't even have room on my walking man (4 GB) to put on more music - and I haven't gotten to download all the music on our collection that I would like to. I certainly don't need to go anyplace and find even more music because then I really would have to spring for the 8 GB (or, OMG, the 166MB) model - don't give me ideas LOL!
Posted by: bogie | May 07, 2009 at 02:54 AM