Have I died and gone to Dyslexian hell? Where the 'Tard minions rule, and words have no meaning? Where "RANEMAN" T-shirts are considered "Formal"? And Tom Pretty, Brutes "The Bozz" Sprinkstein, and Moron Brando make sense and are understood? And I am even fluent in the newest languages propagated by the Evil Lord 'Net and his sidekicks "Cell"and, "Crackberry": "TYPO" and "TXT".
But....SPELL CHECK BITES! It breaks words in half, or fractures them into little pieces as it is doing the checking, and comes up with some really bizarre, LSD laced choices.
I've had two words combined as one, yet it missed them. Other words were spelled correctly, like "Evil" above, and it wanted to break the "E" out, and correct "vil" as a free-standing entity.
I will be the first to admit my spelling is somewhat eccentric sometimes...oh, say...every other word. But when I feel "genius class" next to this, I get concerned. I mean, why bother?
I am using my dictionary a lot more though. I am smart enough to do that. I am more worried about the "text-talented-teens" out there that will take spell-checks word for things. U NDRSTND WAT I MEEN? (looks good to me....)
Some days, I really need to shut up.
BTW...it only questioned "RSTND" and "MEEN". Need I say more?
Grumps happen.
Very interesting.. is this the spellcheck built into typepad that you are using or is this Word? I've never had those issues with Word so ... (giving you funny looks)...
Posted by: Chelle | February 09, 2009 at 11:29 AM
I agree totally. I am the world's worst speller (ask the heathen, she'll confirm) so I rely on spell check. But when I can see the bad in it, then there is something seriously wrong. I tried to use google, but it just brings up people who spell as bad as I do (was going to say worse, but since I own that title guess I can't)!
Posted by: Martie . | February 15, 2009 at 11:00 PM
Instead of going to google and typing in the word add Define: in front of it, that way you have a better chance of getting the right word. Otherwise, use a word processor with spellcheck.
My daughter drives me insane asking me about how to spell things and her teachers are the same way! I've NEVER met teachers who can't spell until this year! It's appalling.
Posted by: Chelle | February 19, 2009 at 11:24 AM
I've known for a long time that Spell Check will let errors through. I'm reasonably good at spelling, but I'm terrible at typing, so I frequently Spell Check and then proofread.
Texting is going to make a LOT of kids hopeless at spelling! I think phones should be banned at school when school is in session, and I would probably only allow my child a phone when he or she had honor roll grades and they could afford to pay for it.
Posted by: buffy | March 23, 2009 at 06:29 PM