I mentioned the windows leaking. And I mentioned the wonderful reception I got when they called to set up an appointment.
The tech showed up on time to check things out and fix what needed fixed. When I showed him the windows, he was surprised that they gave us issues as they were top of the line. However, he did mention that this was a known issue that the window maker fixed recently. He figures these were installed before the issue came to light and was corrected. He told that it would only take a couple minutes to correct things.
Apparently, there is a weather seal at the top of the window that tended to get compressed during shipping. Fixing it only took placing a foam strip in the seal to shift it back in place. He zipped right through with the job and, as promised, was done in no time.
I talked to him about the person who set up the appointment. Seems the person I got wasn't a rep for the maker. The rep was gone and this poor person not only got to do their job, but the reps job as well. No excuse really for the treatment, but at least I feel better about the maker, it wasn't their person torquing me. He told me he would pass on the information about "improving customer relations".
While he was there, he also helped me with another issue (unrelated, of course). Set me up with everything I needed, and offered to check on some old, obsolete parts to help me out.
What the scheduler lacked in taking care of a customer, the tech made up for it in spades.
I'm happy now. Provided the windows don't leak again.
Fixin's happen.
Glad the tech was much better at customer service than the (fill-in) Customer Service person was!
Posted by: Bogie | July 29, 2007 at 04:49 AM
We had a wonderful techie here to check out our cable tv reception. He fiddled around, went to the basement to check where the cable comes into the house, fiddled around some more, and announced that the problem was solved. We said "Thank you very much." He was charming.
The TV is still not working right. :-(
Sometimes fixing doesn't happen.
Posted by: buffy | July 31, 2007 at 04:13 PM
Very strange. I got your comment Buffy, but not the e-mail notification I am supposed to get. Wonder why?
Maybe this thing is broken as well? Is that techie still handy?
Posted by: Wichi Dude | July 31, 2007 at 06:30 PM
Hey Wichi Dude- we miss you! Hurry back to blog-land.
Posted by: martie | August 01, 2007 at 06:43 AM