I've seen these two bozo's before. Hard core cyclists. The bicylce kind, not the biker kind.
I headed out to pick up some dinner for the both of tonight. When I turned onto the main road, the car in front of me was right behind this pair. They road side by side for the entire 5 - 6 blocks to the next major intersection.
Only problem was, they were doing all of, hmmmm, maybe...20 mph. In a "NO-PASSING ZONE".
Now, I have nothing against bike riders. I work with a few and have heard them talk and watched them ride. Nice bunch. But these two....WOW!
Fancy bikes, fruity swept back helmets, bare finger gloves, all aerodynamic with more spandex than a '80's "Hair Band", blocking the road, having a chat, and backing traffic up for the entire 5 - 6 blocks. They didn't even consider moving over and riding single file, or pulling off the road for a minute, to allow the traffic to pass. Newp. Kept right on puttin' along, yakking away, and holding up the world.
But they are vehicles and have the right of way if you follow your drivers handbook.
So I let them go.
When we finally got to the intersection, I silently prayed they would go straight, or turn the other direction then the one I was headed.
No. What they did was, not even slow for the STOP sign, and split both directions at the same time, one North, one South.
I was pissed to say the least. (If you're mad at a bike...is it still road rage? Awwww, who cares. I was still pissed.)
If I could have reached over and worked the door handle, and gotten enough of a push on the door, I would have ditched the one spandexed twit. Would have been worth the night in jail.
But to add insult (and fire) to injury? After I got up to speed (40 mph), within a block this fool blows right past me like I was standing still, on the same bike that couldn't go over 20 just a minute ago. Well, good for him having some great leg muscles. It'll help his recovery in the hospital...just let me get up next to him again.
I was doing the right thing. Driving responsibly and following the rules of the road. Most likely, if I wasn't, I would have gotten a ticket for passing these guys. But for them to behave that way? Not even pretty.
BTW, at the next MAJOR light....he ran that one as well. Barely slowed down. Would have done my heart good to see him get T-boned.
I'm over it now. Thank you.
Irritations happen.
Some cyclists don't get it, they have a right to the road - but not to a lane. They do that around here and it gets really exciting; nothing like coming around a curve at 50 mPH to find the lane blocked by cyclists. Nice test of the brakes too.
Posted by: Bogie | June 16, 2007 at 04:15 AM