Got the grass cut for the first time today. The property was starting to look like a large chia pet. Bagged the stuff to keep from smothering the new growth.
Good thing I did, there was a lot more grass there than met the eye. Filled both composting bins with some nice fresh, wet grass and newly fallen leaves. That ought to keep the microbes happy for the winter.
And, (despite the bare spots that haven't filled in yet) the lawn looks pretty good. Just gotta wait for the bare spots to grow in.
Having grass is a happening, man.
PS. Speaking of grass, during a conversation with a coworker he mentioned "left-handed cigarettes". I was a bit thrown off by that comment. I thought I knew all the slang. He said that is what his father called "joints".
Learn something new every day. Even if it is a 35 year old slang term.
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