On Friday morning, the Weather Guessers were saying we could be in for some weather. They posted a winter storm watch for the Central and South Central parts of Kansas. Ok. So what. They do that all the time. But they did say there might be as much as 3 - 4 inches of snow in the future, so I guess I'll let them.
Friday afternoon, they upped the ante to 4 - 6 inches. Still under a Winter Storm Watch.
For people not from Kansas. If you live in the Wichita area, you live in one of the most UNPREDICTABLE weather spots in the nation. You almost can't predict the weather if you are looking out the window and telling the people what it's doing outside. If they say we could get 3 - 4 inches of snow, we might actually get, nothing, a trace, an ice storm, 3 - 4 inches, or a full blizzard. So we prepare for anything, mostly by doing nothing. Why bother. You can't carry all the supplies you might need. After all, it might snow, or rain, or flood, or drought, or tornado, or just be a pretty day. Too many choices.
But it does get our attention when the Guessers start saying 3 - 4 inches, then up it to 4 - 6 inches. Then they start getting excited and up it to 4 - 8 inches. Their excitement grows, and they start getting that glazed look in their eyes. Next guess, big jump here, 8 - 12 inches.
8 - 12 inches will shut down the area. Though the idiots that run the public school system won't cancel classes unless a tornado tears the school down. And even then, only if they can't find enough "portable classrooms" to do the job. We trust our kids with these people. Oh well, back to the snow.
The last report I heard, on NOAA Weather Radio, at 5:04 Saturday morning, (yes, I have one of those radios) was 8 - 14 inches. They upgraded the Winter Storm Watch to a Winter Storm Warning. The watch means, keep your eyes open. The warning means, it's on its way and look out.
Now when you watch the progression go from "Hoo Hum", to "Whoa Boy" over the course of a couple hours, and add in the agitated state the Guessers are in, then they are onto something. (Or ON something.) The chances are good we just might get hammered this time. They have me excited enough to watch this possible event unfold.
When 3 - 4 inches screws up a city, imagine what 8 - 14 inches will do. It will probably get very ugly out there. With a normal prediction, everyone blows it off. This one had people out Friday night stocking up on groceries. It is getting our attention.
So, the winter storm kits will be in the trunks of everybodies cars. The extra food and water. The flashlight and extra batteries. The shovel and sand, the extra clothes and blankets. All that good stuff you might need.
After all, you might get stuck in the snow taking the kids to school, that wasn't canceled.
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